is making me very angry!! The house across the street has had 4 families in the last 8 years we have lived here and this family is by far the worst. We have a 2 acre lot, which in the summer is very private and can't be seen from the road when all the trees leaf out. You've all seen the pictures of my great dogs. Seems the neighbor from hell doesn't share my fondness for the dogs. About 2 weeks ago, I received a letter from the Animal Control Officer stating my dogs were roaming the neighborhood at will, causing property damage and routinely pursuing pedestrians. I was shocked!! I was worried. What had my dogs done to my neighbors that I did not know about. What had they damaged? Put a call into my friendly ACO, who stated that she had a complaint that my dogs were chasing a neighbor who jogs. Not true, I explained to her as I know all my neighbors, and no one jogs. We live on a private road. Was the complaint from someone coming up our road who doesn't live here? Nope! It was from the neighbor from hell, who said his daughter is not comfortable with the dogs when she jogs. (she is obesely over weight and hasn't jogged a day in her life!) What had they destroyed, I asked? They urinated on flowers. Hmmmmm. I was a bit perturbed that they hadn't given us a call to discuss that they had concerns. Certainly, I want to be a responsible pet owner, and would do anything to prevent my dogs from bothering someone.
Enter my darling husband, who decided to approach neighbor from hell, in his direct and untactful way. He picks a saturday, when neighbor from hell's son has his devil band over practicing their devil music in the driveway. (not something you want to listen to on a Saturday, or any day for that matter).
DH says to NFH, "if you have a problem with my dogs, I wish you would just give us a call instead of calling the ACO, after all that's the neighborly way to handle it." NFH responds, "I didn't call anyone and we're not neighbors". Oh, this is going well. DH says, I talked to the ACO and she said you called. oops, busted!! DH asks if son can tune down the band, NFH responds, NO. NFH responds his son will play his drums anytime he wants. GREAT.
Today, I get a call from ACO that they have had another complaint on Monday morning at 7:30 am that my dog was standing in NFH's driveway at 7 am. He wasn't barking, biting, chasing anyone, peeing, crapping or digging. He was standing! Next time the NFH calls with a complaint, I get a ticket and a fine. Funny, but my dog was inside with me as I was getting ready for work and don't leave till 7:30 myself.
What recourse do I have for someone filing false complaints? I wonder if this is retaliation? I seem to recall my daughter and NFH's son going on a class trip to Washington DC. Seems NFH's son was goofing around in the subway station and blocked my daughter from getting on the train. She is 16, standing in the subway alone, with all her classmates and chaperones on the train and she is stranded, calling me at work crying, because she doesn't know what to do. I never complained, or said a word about this to NFH. The chaperones complained to the school and NFH's son was suspended from school for 2 days upon his return from Washington. What do you think?
Guess it's time for an invisible dog fence.......